Publications - Other



Scharffenberg, M. G., S. Biri and D. Stammer, 2013: Probabilty density functions and higher order statistics of large-scale geostrophic velocity estimates and sea surface height, as seen from the Jason-1 - TOPEX/POSEIDON tandem mission. In Proceedings of the 20 Years of Progress in Radar Altimetry Symposium (Eds. L. Ouwehand), ESA SP-710 (CD-ROM), ESA Publications Division, European Space Agency, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. [PDF]


Scharffenberg, M. G. and D. Stammer, 2009: Seasonal variations of the large-scale geostrophic flow field and of eddy kinetic energy inferred from the TOPEX/Poseidon and Jason-1 Tandem Mission Data. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl.,

Abstract G53D-0698. [Abstract]



M. G. Scharffenberg, 2007: Saisonale Schwankungen geostrophischer Strömungen und wirbelkinetischer Energie anhand von TOPEX/Poseidon – Jason-1 Tandem Missions Daten.

Institut für Meereskunde - Jahresbericht 2006/2007, 33. [PDF]